Since travel is out of the question right now, check out some of my favorite past adventures!

Since travel is out of the question right now, check out some of my favorite past adventures!
How to balance working, homeschooling, daily life, and STILL keep your sanity!
How to sew a surgical mask for the health care workers in your life.
Come explore the highlights of Belize City as I base there for a work week abroad.
Can’t find hand sanitizer in the stores? You don’t need it! Make your own at home for a fraction of the price that gets the job done.
How to navigate a grocery store when you don’t speak the language – never a dull moment, even when shopping for snacks.
Super simple ALMOST homemade cookies for Valentine’s Day
A super cute and easy Valentine’s Brunch that your loves will adore.
Uzbekistan has a variety of flavorful fruits and vegies, national dishes, and tons of variety. Check out my list of must haves when dining out in Uzbekistan.
Jet lag can really get you down. Here are some tips to avoid or minimize jet lag after long flights.