Fall flavors featuring my favorite apple recipes.

Fall flavors featuring my favorite apple recipes.
Make easy and delicious lasagna roll ups and freeze for a quick and easy weeknight dinner!
Have you ever had a dish that tasted like bliss? If you like Italian food, boy have I got the dish for you! I love Egg Plant Parmesan! It is one of those dishes that can easily be made vegetarian without making Papa Bear feel like he is sacrificing his meat-itarian nature. You can easily …
Easy delicious cheddar cheese stuffed burgers. Easy to freeze and cook in bulk, or grill now!
We have long been over due for a theme night in the Momleficent household. With all of the work and travel, back to school hubbub and dental appointments, I have slacked a bit on my extra-curricular fun. Well, no more! We had a glorious return to the first theme night of the new school year …
Easy and delicious mock sous vide egg bites – easy make ahead breakfast for meal preppers like me!
Warm, delicious and tastes like fall, what am I? Churros!
Goulash is one of those timeless recipes that can help you stretch a dollar! Perfect for freezer cooking.
Crispy, creamy, jalapeno poppers – keto friendly and so, so good!
Creating a unique Pokemon birthday party for Tiny’s 10th!