cheddar cheese stuffed burger recipe
Kitchen Fun, Meal Planning

Cheddar Stuffed Burger Bombs

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Who doesn’t love a good cookout, right?  I know we do.  One of Papa Bear’s favorite foods is a good, juicy, burger.  He tickles me when he gets a whiff of what I am cooking, and occasionally, when something is really good to him, he will tell me “…remember how you cooked that.”  That is Papa Bear high praise.

cheddar cheese stuffed burger recipe

Well, my latest experiment with his two favorite foods yielded just that response – but then again, who doesn’t love beef and cheese?  I usually pick at him and tell him he is the meatitarian of the house and I am more of a vegetarian.  I like a little meat, but not too much.  He would be perfectly happy eating just meat and potatoes.

This recipe is super easy and can be prepped ahead if you like to bulk cook or freezer cook like I do.



Ground Chuck

Cheddar cheese slices

½ t. salt

½ t. pepper

1 t. garlic

Worcestershire sauce

A1 steak sauce



To make these burgers, you will first want to season your beef.  Mix the spices into the beef well, using your hands to get on in there and mix well.  Then add Worcestershire sauce to your liking.  We like about 2 tablespoons in our mix.  Mix again, squishing it up as you go.

cheddar cheese stuffed burger recipe

For my recipe, I used about 2 lbs. of beef.  I made 12 very thin burger patties.  Taking a layer of wax or parchment paper, begin to lay out your patties in rows.

cheddar cheese stuffed burger recipe cheddar cheese stuffed burger recipe cheddar cheese stuffed burger recipe

Place the desired amount of cheese in the center of each patty.  I used Kraft sharp cheddar cracker cuts this time and should have used two or three in the center of each one rather than just one.

Place second thin patty on top of each cheese stuffed patty and press the edges together so that it forms a single pocket of beef with cheese in the middle.

At this point, you can place another layer of wax paper on top and cut into strips of burgers to freeze, or just to put in the fridge for later in the week.

cheddar cheese stuffed burger recipe

I cooked these on the stove since it was just a weeknight dinner, but you could easily gill or smoke these outdoors.

Serve with beans, potato salad and burger trimmings, and you have a treat during the week!

cheddar cheese stuffed burger recipe

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  1. Cheese stuffed burgers are one of Mr. SBF’s favorites! Yum!

    1. Momleficent says:

      Papa Bear loves them too!

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