Holiday, Parenting, Working Mom

Matching Christmas Jammies Reveal

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Well friends, it’s that time of year again!  I’m so excited that Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it’s time to start bringing out the Christmas decorations for the season.  I am one of those super annoying people that likes to put up the tree before Thanksgiving gets here and starts playing Christmas carols at the middle of November.

I love everything about the season.  By far, one of my favorite things is jammies.  Yes, you read that right.  I love matching Christmas jammies just about as much as I love the Hallmark channel.  That’s a lot, folks!

This year, I am gone for a week of prime matching jammie time, so I chose to have our jammie reveal a little earlier than normal.  Since I am traveling the week before Thanksgiving, I brought the jammies to the hotel with the family!  Yea!  I can’t tell you how much I love to see the kids get into their jammies for the first time.  For the first time, and to hopefully garner a little cooperation, I wrapped them in a special Christmas package with two little stuffed animals to accompany them.  Another touch I particularly loved this year was adding matching slippers and robes for the kids.  Oh my heart, these were something special!  They are adorable!

This year we had more coordinating than matching jammies.  Everyone has the same red and black buffalo check pattern pants.  Papa Bear and I have “You serious, Clark?” shirts and the kids each have a Christmas vehicles – Tiny with an old truck with a Christmas tree in the back, and Teeny had a Christmas train.  They were adorable!!!

I am so excited for our matching Christmas jammie weekends that will pretty much be every weekend between now and Christmas.  One of my favorite things to do is make snacks (shocker, right? Give me a break, I’m southern, we eat when we’re happy, we eat when we are sad, we eat when we are bored…it’s what we do), wear our jammies, and watch the classic Christmas movies that my brother and I waited all year for!  Rudolph, Frosty, and of course, the old Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  There is something about watching those with my own kids that is nostalgic and magical all over again.  It’s true what they say, Christmas is good when you are a kid, but it is truly magical when you HAVE kids.

I love spending time with the maniacs, watching old movies by nothing but the light of a fire and the Christmas tree.  Snuggled up on the couch with a big blanket and some cocoa is my preferred perch for matching Christmas jammie time.  No friends, no other family, just me and my babies – and Papa Bear when I can get him to cooperate.  Now – all season, and I do mean ALL season, I am going to be asking “You serious, Papa?’  He does seem to like his jammies a little better this year than in years past.

What Christmas traditions do you have?

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  1. These are so cute! I love matching Jammies, I get therm every year!

    1. Momleficent says:

      This is one of my favorite parts of the season. It is our official kick off of Christmas!

  2. I love these! Just look at how adorable they are in them too 😊

    1. Momleficent says:

      Thank you so much! I found them 9n Zulily this year. They turned out really cute!

  3. Ah, I love the idea of having matching pajamas! I’m going to have to do this next year.

    1. Momleficent says:

      We have the best time with them, and Christmas morning photos are so cute!!!

  4. Those are the cutest pajamas! My mom buys pajamas for all of us and all of our spouses and kids each year so that we can have a lot of fun hanging around in matching pajamas! These would be fantastic!

    1. Momleficent says:

      We had a family ph Thanksgiving last year, and it was the absolute best!

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