Versatile Blogger Award
Working Mom

Versatile Blogger Award

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The Versatile Blogger Award

There are some weeks that you just can’t wait to get to the weekend.  This has been one of those weeks for me.  It hasn’t been a bad week, just a really busy one.  We had a brush with Hurricane Michael, which was a tropical storm when it came over us in North GA (no damage, just rain).  Then the most beautiful, breezy, sunny Autumn days with wonderful Fall like temperatures for the first time this season!  It gave me the Fall version of Spring fever!  I couldn’t wait to get outside with the tinies and visit a fall festival this weekend, spend some time in the sun, and have a Hocus Pocus Theme Night with the tinies (it was epic, you are going to love it later this week!) to unwind from all the productivity of the work week.  Then, I happened to see this on my twitter feed and it absolutely made my Thursday night.  My blog is relatively new, and working full time doesn’t give me as much time as I wish I could spend with it.  But my goodness, this made my heart full!  Thank you so much Stephanie, at One Caring Mom!

  • If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Thank the person who gave you the award Thank you Stephanie at One Caring Mom!!!
  • Include a link to their blog
  • Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself


  1.  Oh my goodness,  what can I tell you guys that you don’t already know? I absolutely love to bake.  I love to get into the kitchen, especially with the tinies, and create something magical.  The kids think I can make anything at all.  Some of their past birthday cakes are below – everything you see is hand made and edible.

4th birthday bears having tea party cake 6th birthday little mermaid cake 1st birthday cracken cake

2.  I can’t dance, play drums, or even clap in a specific rhythm for too long without looking like Elaine Bennis from          Sienfled in one of her dancing scenes – not attractive for a middle age mom who should probably never, ever try          to  look cool again. That being said, I play piano and was trained as a classical singer (opera) until my early 20’s

3.  I’m not shy. I mean not even a little.  I don’t meet a stranger, but that annoys people – a lot sometimes – especially when I am in Europe.

4.  I have mastered the one handed diaper change, with a number 2, without getting it on me. One day, should you like to challenge me to a competition, I have no doubt I will win.  Fear my awesomeness.

5.  My kids are my whole world – but that doesn’t mean I don’t love to travel. I wish I could travel more with them, but my job takes me away from time to time, to some pretty awesome locations.  So, if they can’t be with me, thank goodness I have a supportive hubby that will watch them (and try to keep them clean – you know, for the most part – ok, well at least visibly and with no odors) wile I am gone.




6.  I am an obsessive planner, I love a plan almost as much as I love my kids. I LOVE a plan – the more color coded and confusing to others it is, the better I can understand and implement it.  My vacation agendas are akin to the blueprints for d day, but WAY more detailed and complex.  Let’s just say that had I been in charge, not only would we have invaded, we would have done it panache – and most likely a theme – a great theme – a huge theme – the biggest theme you have ever seen!

7.  For a while, I was paid to sing and dance on stage. No, not THAT kind of dancing – revisit point number 2 – I was a singing telegram in college.  Yep, I wore a 6 foot tall pink gorilla outfit and sang to poor, unsuspecting people in public places for large amount of money (serious drinking money to a college student) whose friends either really loved or really hated them.  It’s not that I can’t show you a picture, it’s just that I’m not going to…

Ok, so I will be nominating other blogger whose blogs I really love in a tweet, so please check them out.  Especially Stephanie, over at One Caring Mom (who may or may not be concerned about the mental health of my own kids after reading this list) who has a great little blog where she shares some very cool ideas with her readers – and most of all, subscribe to my blog so that you can stay up to date on our adventures and get the password to our new free resource library!

Versatile Blogger Award

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  1. It was great to learn more about you! Love those cakes that you made. I would love to increase my cake decorating skills one day.

  2. Momleficent says:

    I learned via Youtube. It seems like you can learn everything via youtube now.

  3. it’s always great to learn more about bloggers and their life behind the blog. It was pleasant to read

    1. Momleficent says:

      Thanks so much, I appreciate you stopping by! Have a great weekend!

  4. This is so fun to read. Your fun persona shows in your writing. Thank you for nominating me. I appreciate you noticing my work. I can only wish to get to your level of organization, even half will be great to me. Haha. I enjoy seeing your adventures on Instagram. You are a wonderful mom. Take care.

    1. Momleficent says:

      You are so sweet! This made my Friday. I don’t feel organized sometimes, I wish I were better at it!

  5. […] Wow! I have been nominated by 2 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award and I am absolutely happy and proud to be a recipient of this award because it means someone loves and appreciates my work.  I can never get enough love from supportive bloggers.  But oh my gosh, I am so behind on posting about it.  My apologies to the nominators, who are also each a recipient of the Versatile Blogger Award : Jane aka Julietlylillyrose and Momleficent . […]

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