First things first, let’s get something straight. I’m not one of these beautiful young Moms who have everything together, a ton of kids and are stunning every morning before hubby wakes up. Never was, never will be. If you are looking for that (more power to them!)- wrong blog! I’ll be honest, I’m a HOT MESS!!! I don’t mean just a hot mess, I am the conductor of the Hot Mess Express. You have just found the least helpful parenting blog in history. 🙂 What you have found is an honest look at working, momming, and loving life and your kids with every fiber of your being. There will be sarcasm, humor (we gotta’ laugh at ourselves, right?), and maybe even a few ideas here and there – but absolutely no judgment – I mean we do enough of that ourselves, right?
I am an older mom who as struggled for years to find a balance between work and life as a mom. I am one of those Moms who really loves being a Mom. I mean REALLY loves it, but I don’t have the luxury of working part time or staying at home with the kids full time. So what is a girl to do? Well, this blog will curate my journey for you as I continue to struggle with kicking some ass on the professional fields and keeping the home fires burning.
I work in academia, so it is an experience of it’s own…I do love it though. In my field, I get to work with students, work with faculty (the are my people, I was one for years before going into administration) and every once in a while I get to do some traveling. When you have kids, the planning that goes into every week is tantamount to planning the D-Day invasion every Sunday, with the enemy needing you to wipe noses, fix snacks and wash clothes while you stuff backpacks with one hand and sketch out the plans on a napkin. Truth be told, I wouldn’t change a thing. 🙂 I’ll show you my plans to organize our morning routine, lunches, meal prep for the week, and laundry/outfits for the week. Chime in when you have a better method – I’m not above taking cues from anyone I can!
The other thing I struggle with are my Southern roots. In the South, women are typically a lot less opinionated, vocal and active for causes than I…much to my Mother’s chagrin. One of the most important things that God, the Universe, Allah, what ever you want to call her has tasked me with, is raising a strong woman with a backbone instead of a wishbone and a strong man who isn’t intimidated by women who have them. So, no doubt, you’ll hear a lot about that as we progress.
Welcome to Momleficent!

New Year New Blog
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I think you are the most amazing person I have ever had the privilege of knowing!
Nothing wrong with being a “hot mess mom”! In fact, that probably just shows your priorities are straight 🙂 I’d rather always look a mess, but have my children fed, clothed, and happy!
My thoughts exactly. I wouldn’t trade the chaos for anything in the world.