Holiday, Projects

How To Make A Christmas Swag – For FREE

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There are few things at Christmas that are as fresh and Christmasy as a freshly cut Christmas tree!  They smell of earth and love, warmth and home.  For many of us, an artificial tree is the most economical and efficient way to handle the yearly task of putting up and decorating a tree – especially if you have small kids and pets.  Though they are beautiful, one thing you can’t seem to get is that forest fresh smell that fills your home with seasonal fragrance.

To solve this problem, I simply stop by my local Home Depot.  Many people don’t realize that they have a bin of Christmas tree trimmings that you can take at will.  They reserve the bottom branches that they cut from the trees purchased from their seasonal lot and place them in a bin.  They smell so so good and are begging to be used.  Generally there is nothing wrong with them, they simply were the branches that had to be trimmed to fit the tree into its stand properly, so use them as you will.

I like to get a trunk full and make swags to go on each door inside the house.  I reserve the wreaths that don’t have wonderful fragrance for the front door – these are mine all mine!

To make a swag, start with one large branch that curves down a bit.  With floral wire, secure another large branch to the other side so that you have the bottom layer of your swag – as symmetrically as possible (it isn’t going to be perfect and that is ok – that is part of the natural beauty).

Using two smaller branches, secure to the tops of the bottom layer of branches with floral wire.  You can repeat this with two more smaller branches if your swag is not full enough in the middle.  I am going to place a bow in the center of mine, so I am going to stop with four branches.

Tie a bow of your choice to the center and hang on a wreath hanger on your door.

My total financial output for this swag was $0.00!  Yep, absolutely nothing!  I used floral wire that I bought from last year’s swags and saved the bows in a box for this year.  Since I tied them using wired ribbon, and stored them with tissue in the loops, they retained their shape quite well.  These beautiful and amazingly fragrant swags are now all over my home, spreading Christmas cheer, and cost me nothing but time.  That, my friends, makes for a happy Momleficent!

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  1. I do this every many people are doing it our HD started charging for them.

  2. Momleficent says:

    Oh wow! Thankfully ours is still free.

  3. What a great little project! I totally need to do this myself, as our front door is looking bare right now.

    1. Momleficent says:

      I put the ones that don’t smell good outside. 🙂 I am selfish!

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