I have had more fun at Valentine’s Day since having children than I ever did as a swingin’ single. Let the record show that I was single but truly not that swingin’. Boy was I an awkward kid. But I digress. I love to make something for the tinies at the major holidays because you just can’t put a price tag on effort and love. I really do think they understand that when I make something for them, it is special because I put time and love into each detail. This year, I found the cutest little sock sheep on pinterest. I am not even going to try and pretend that I came up with the idea or pattern on my own. You can find the original post over at Craftpassion. This chick is amazing and I love her site. She offers two sock sheep – one standing, which is what I chose, and one laying down – lazy little bastard. Anyway, I made one for Tiny, Teeny, Ladybug and Firefly (you may remember them from some of our theme night fun here) the tinies best friends. Daddy bug is supposed to bring them over for a play date this weekend, and since we are going to be just past Valentine’s Day, they get a little sock sheep love as well.
While four of the little buggers took a smidge more time because of the details I added to make the creations my own, they were all complete in an afternoon. Little Miss Craftpassion used her sewing machine for the majority of the work, as did I. While you can do the job by hand, why?
I picked out two pair of microfiber socks from my local Target – you may remember my love for the Target from previous posts, but since Valentine’s Day is approaching, let me profess it again! I then went in search of two pair of knit crew length women’s socks in contrasting colors. Since the accent colors of my socks were grays, I picked a multi pack with light gray, dark gray and back. New pair of boot socks for Momleficent in the deal too, score!
I cut the toes from the two pair that I selected for sheep bits. Stuffed with polyfill, and sewed them closed by running thick embroidery floss around the edges and pulling closed.
I then took the heads and stuffed them into the toes of the microfiber socks and cut the microfiber socks just past the ball of the head. When the microfiber sock unstretches, it should just ring the little face.
I cut the body of the sheep from the microfiber sock, just below the heel. The portion from the top of the cuff to just above the heel will become the arms of the sheep.

Using your solid knit socks, cut just below the heel and then again about 1/3 of the way down. This will give you the attachments for arms and legs.
Taking the shorter portion of microfiber that you cut from above the heel, place right sides together the microfiber and knit socks. Sew to join and turn inside out. Sew a seam across the bottom of the knit portion, then one inch from either side so that the seams become perpendicular lines. Cut the excess fabric from the middle and invert – there you have it, two little arms.
For the legs, sew the knit to the body of the microfiber sock in the same manner you did for the arms. This time, instead of cutting the fabric, you are going to sew the leg pattern into the knit portion. Sew from one side of the bottom of the knit over 1 inch. Begin to round your seam so that you curve the little foot up and sew up to the junction of the knit and microfiber portions. Lift your presser foot and turn your fabric 90 degrees – sew about 1 inch, rotate 90 degrees again and begin sewing the inseam of the opposite leg, rounding at the foot to match side one, and finishing with a 1 inch seam to close off the foot.
Now for a little detail work that will make your tiny flock steal the heart of any recipient. I cut the ears and tail from the coordinating left over knit sock portions. Since knit doesn’t unravel, I used a cute decorative edging to close the sides and create a finished look. I attached the ears to the sides of the head – marking the locations with a few stitches of my chosen thread to both shore up the rim around the face and to make sure his little ears were even. Before attaching the head, go ahead and tack the ears firmly to the head.
Your little sheep body is ready to stuff and join! Begin by stuffing the arms and sewing closed, repeat with the body, ensuring you get enough polyfil into the legs to make them take shape. Finish stuffing the body and sew closed. Join the arms at the top of the body first. The head will sit on top of the arms creating a snug fit for the body, arms and head once all are secured in place with firm stitches.
Finish your little sweetheart by using pink embroidery floss and a tapestry need to sew a nose of any shape and a mouth. Attach black button eyes securely (be careful and opt for embroidered eyes for the very young) and give him a big hug!
I am so excited about these little lovelies I about can’t wait until Valentine’s Day to give them to the tinies. I do love to give them love gifts. Pop a photo of yours in the comments below and share them with us!