Ok, I’m so stinking excited that the holiday season is approaching. Unlike years past, I have finally realized that if I want matching or coordinating Christmas jammies, you have to think about that early on. Especially if you want to get the less expensive ones. At the rate my kids outgrow pajamas and clothes in general, it just doesn’t make sense to get pajamas that are crazy expensive. This year, we are doing a coordinated look rather than identical jammies.
Hubby hasn’t seen this year’s selection, and he may or may not have an absolute hissy fit when he realizes that I bought him Santa jammies. For a 6’4’’ man who isn’t slender, is a bit older than me, and has a grey beard, he seems to be rather unable to embrace his seasonal “jolly” side. Well, not this year, ready or not, here it comes! I giggled the entire time I was putting them in the cart and paying…seriously, like a little kid.

My jammies match his, and are Santa themed. The kids – get ready – are elves! Oh my heart! I cannot wait for Santa photos this year. Who wouldn’t love these two little impish kids dressed as elves sitting on Santa’s lap? Ahhh, I do love a set of matching jammies with a well done theme.
So for this year’s jammie reveal – because remember, this is a Mommy thing, so they don’t get to see them until all parts are in and we are ready for our first matching Christmas jammie weekend – I’m starting with a gift box with all the jammies in them. Yes there is a little chant and dance I do – no, you will not get video.

Since I have been away for so long just before the holiday season (6 weeks away for work!) and have basically missed all of the fun Fall activities that lead up to Halloween, I am pushing the fast forward button and skipping it all together and just jumping into my favorite part! To get them ready, we’ll watch Rudolph, have Christmas cookies, and spend the entire Saturday in blanket forts and making Christmas lists and decorations. Dinner will be finger foods that we can watch while in our “puppy pile” on the love seat (it is a rocking recliner and I am in heaven every time I get the whole crew snuggled up!). Even the pup is going to get in on the yule tide festivities this year!

I’ve said it before, but Christmas as a kid was amazing – Christmas with your own kids can’t be beat. Stay tuned to Instagram (@momleficent_) for our updates and ALL the elfin antics!
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