How I keep my family organized when I work abroad.

How I keep my family organized when I work abroad.
How to travel alone, as a female, and love it!
Week two of travel this month – check out my process to keep hearth and home running smoothly while away.
Packing for a trip abroad doesn’t have to be a struggle!
Screen time is always a struggle in our house. Tablets and computers are like electronic crack for my two little ones. Yes, there are filters and timers on some devices, but not all. If Tiny runs out of time on her Kindle Fire, she can switch to her laptop and is back at square one. …
How to guide your child through loss.
I have never experienced a more spa like medical facility!
Today I sat in the sun. I sat there and felt the warmth of the rays warm my cheeks, reach through me and to my core. My mind had been turbulent all day, rolling with this possibility and that, churning with the thoughts, moods and reactions to the behaviors of others. But today I sat …
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about life. The nature of it, the quality of it, how to enjoy it more. Over the past couple of years, my stress level has skyrocketed. Primarily it was work related, but over time I started to get so incredibly stressed out that I couldn’t leave work at …
There are days when I want to quit. There are weeks when I want to give up. This has been one of those weeks. I know you have them too, remember, we don’t judge here. I am up to my eyeballs at work, exhausted when I get home, the kids are bouncing off the walls …